Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 3

So today was another hard day but not as hard as yesterday. I went to my usual Sunday morning Step Aerobics class at my gym. It's only a 45 minute class. My mom and I meet there every week and I am her motivation to go, so I had to go. I didn't go as "crazy" in the class as I normally do and did make sure to have a maintenance bar. Today I stuck with things I have had before, I didn't want to change anything. I thought maybe if I ate familiar stuff it wouldn't make me miss other stuff. Well, let's just say that didn't really work. But I have to say I am proud of myself. Tonight was my nephew's 16th birthday party. Being we were to get there right around dinnertime, I planned ahead. I brought my own salad, chicken and veggie. They all had hotdogs, macaroni salad, coleslaw, chips and dip and jello. For three favorite things-mint chocolate chip ice cream, peanut butter cup ice cream and chocolate chip cookie cake. AND....I only ate my stuff. It was torture sitting at the same table with everyone else eating cookie cake and ice cream but I just kept saying, I can do this, I can do this. When we got home it was just about time for my evening snack. I had a vanilla frosty. Thanks to Jennifer for that recipe, I love it. I was also excited to learn I can have tuna. I ♥ tuna. Guess what my lean and green is going to be soon, haha. I also have to thank my hubby for saying he was proud of me for not giving in at the party. I also have to say that I am impressed with myself because I normally have 1 Diet Mountain Dew a day and haven't had one since last Thursday. I know they say diet soda is allowed but I wasn't sure if that included Diet Mountain Dew. Looking forward to seeing a lower number on the scale Friday...


  1. So proud. We just talked on the phone so I wont write a novel :)


  2. I just found your blog... I had a lapband installed on March 23rd, 2010... I did the Optifast diet for a couple weeks before it as well... I look forward to following your journey, Your friend Jennifer sent me over... Keep up the Good work! *Maria*-Blogger from "This one time at BAND Camp..." Check out my blog

  3. I just found your blog through Jennifer! So glad you decided to post a blog! I just read them all and am all caught up. Posting that wicked number is so hard. I didn't want to do it either but there it is, out there for all to see. I'm following your blog and can't wait to see some results. Now, even on your bad days, I want you to post! That's important, don't ignore us just because you ate a bag of cheetos!! I find that hard, posting over, and over the failures and how you started out so good but by the time you got to the end of the day, you ate way too much. Stay postitive!
